Broadcasting Service of Ekiti State, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria.

Assailants strike in Ado Ekiti Again

Gunmen have again struck in Teaching hospital road area of Ado Ekiti, killing a Point of Sale agent popularly called Alfa Taofeek

Reports reaching us have it that, the gunmen who came on a motorbike shot and killed Alfa Taofeek and made away with his money and other valuables.

Another source who crave anonymity says the Alfa was just opening his shop after dropping his kids in school when the men of the underworld struck.

Details still sketchy as at the time of filling this report.

His corpse has been reportedly taken to the morgue by the police.

Sympathisers, who besieged the area, described the deceased as humble and easy going, calling on the police to halt such killings.

Recall that a similar occurrence took place at the Okesa area of the State capital, on Tuesday, when an Okada ticket operator was gunned down by assailants who came on a motorbike.

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