Broadcasting Service of Ekiti State, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria.

Ekiti Students picket MTN office over Tarrif increase

By Tunde Adeyemo

Students of various schools under the umbrella of the National Association of Nigeria students, Ekiti State Chapter today picketed the office of one of the telecommunication giants in Ado, MTN to protest the increase of Tarrif on calls and date services

The students who carried placards with various inscription such as “MTN Nigerian students are not your ATM, Enough of telecommunication hike” and others sang various solidarity songs

The chairman of Joint campus committee JCC Ekiti State chapter Mr Femi Asaolu who spoke to BSES reporter Babatunde Adeyemo said the increment in tariff has made life difficult for students as they can no longer afford Data to do their assignments.

He charged MTN and other telecommunication services to rescind their decision and reverse to the old price.

He called on government to save the Nigerian students from extortion being perpetrated by the telecommunication operators.

Another students’ union leader Mr Michael Ayeni, said MTN and other service providers should consider Nigeria students plight and stop the arbitrary increase in their tariff

Mr Ayeni explained that their parents had already been overburdened with the daily increase of commodities and school fees and they can no longer afford to add tariff hike to their burden.

They vowed continue the protest and mobilize more student if their agitations were not addressed.

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